If you can read this…


That means you’re a bad driver. Sorry you need a website to tell you that. Good news is that it’s not too late for you to redeem your bad road habits! If you or a loved one suffers from any of these bad habits, please educate yourself to make the roads a safer environment for all!

Traveling in the Left Lane:

It’s not a secret that those who want to get past a slow car in the traveling lane should pass on the left. However, a bad habit that many people seem to take part in is not returning to the traveling lane after passing. Not only does this clog up the passing lane for those who also wish to pass, but it also can be dangerous for those who aren’t moving fast enough. When people drive slower than the normal speed in traffic, it can result in reckless driving from those who you share the road with, which may lead to an accident as a result of road rage. The best way to avoid this bad habit is to simply limit travel time in the left hand lane, especially when you aren’t comfortable driving to begin with. Should you stay slower in the right lane, people will simply pass you with no issue and you continue to move without obstructing the flow of traffic. Additionally, it can keep you from spending big bucks on tickets should you be pulled over for moving slower than the surrounding traffic. Almost all states have a “keep right” law that prohibits slow drivers from obstructing traffic. You can read more about all the individual states laws here.

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